14 January 2021 |
Agenda Item 61(b)
Brighton & Hove City Council |
A period of not more than fifteen minutes shall be allowed at each ordinary meeting for questions submitted by a member of the public.
The question will be answered without discussion. The person who asked the question may ask one relevant supplementary question, which shall be put and answered without discussion. The person to whom a question, or supplementary question, has been put may decline to answer it.
The following written questions have been received from members of the public:
1. Impact of Dust on Tourism– Stephen White
“We have been speaking to businesses running outdoor cafes, restaurants and leisure facilities in East Brighton and they are concerned to hear that polluting dust from the proposed development at the gasworks will land up to 500 metres from the site. They imagine this will affect their businesses and therefore affect tourism. What can you say that will allay these fears?”
“The Scoping Report provided by QUOD on behalf of Berkeley Homes dated July 2020 states:
`With respect to the Site, this has been allocated for redevelopment under Policy DA2.C.2 to provide “...approximately 2,000 sqm of business floor space to the north of the site, a minimum of 85 residential units and some ancillary retail development.” Under saved Policy HO1 of the BHLP, the southern half of the Site was allocated for housing and was expected to provide 80 units of which 30% would be allocated for affordable housing. On adoption of the BHCC City Plan Part Two (CPP2), the saved policies will be replaced’.
In the Council’s Scoping Opinion Report English Heritage reportedly stated that the site was allocated for 50+ houses, and the Council also state this.
There is no allocation of units in the publicly available draft of City Plan 2.
However a planning officer said by telephone that the site is now allocated for 340+ units.
Please tell us exactly what this site is allocated for, and in what policy documents?”
3. Beach Chalets –Sue John
“Rottingdean Parish Council welcomes the report on the city’s beach chalets and its recommendations. However, the report highlights the persisting inequity within the beach chalet leasing arrangements, leading to unreasonably long waiting lists. As it is not clear what the impact on tenure will be of freeing up those chalets currently leased by non-residents of Brighton and Hove, will the Committee agree to review the effect of recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 in 18 months time and consider whether further action is required?”
4. Beach Huts – John Paul McCarthy
“The Saltdean Community Association, a local charity, want to buy and erect a wooden beach hut on the Undercliff at Saltdean near to the tunnel.
This is a clear space beside the concrete wall.
The hut would be used by the multitude of groups of local residents including sea swimmers, runners, triathletes and sea sports enthusiasts.
The Association would pay for the hut, its insurance including public liability and maintenance. There would be no cost to the council of allowing us to put up a much-needed community asset. If it is damaged by the weather, the waves or humans, then that would be our responsibility.
Would the chair of this committee, or any of its members, please consider an amendment to the Beach Chalet proposal that you are considering today please to enable us to put up a community beach hut?”
5. Beach Chalets – David Wilson
“The report on beach chalets says that 17 of the 20 chalets in Saltdean are on indefinite leases.
As someone who walks past the chalets twice a day every day rain or shine, I know how much they aren't used.
Therefore I’m extremely disappointed that the council has bowed to pressure from people with lifetime leases. Of course, they don’t want to give them up.
But the fact is that officers are now proposing that councillors agree to a policy which is “For The Few Not The Many”.
Would the council please check that leaseholders of all the beach chalets across the city are not in arrears as I don't understand why anyone would pay hundreds of pounds every year to rent a beach chalet that they never use. And, if the arrears are significant, please would the council terminate the lease?”